Dr. Andrew Brai,

(Consultant Radiologist)
Head of Radiology

The department over the years has been progressive in service rendering especially with the increase in staff strength under the leadership of Dr. Andrew Brai.

Our CT examination days are now Mondays to Fridays and we also attend to external emergencies as well. Ultrasound and x-rays services are also every day services.

Additionally, our x-ray examinations are now digitized.


  • Three (3) Consultant Radiologist
  • Six (6) Expert Radiographers
  • Ten (10) X-ray Technicians
  • Two (2) Confidential Secretaries
  • Five (5) Attendants & Clerical Officers


Management and the department introduced 3 new (non-contrast) CT categories with lesser cost implications for patients. They include: non-contrast CT Sinuses, non-contrast CT Petro mastoid and non-contrast CT Neck.

Services now include daily CT, X-ray and Ultrasound examinations as well as Call duty services for emergencies.



  1. Brain CT
  2. Sinus CT [Non-Contrast]
  3. Sinus CT [Contrast]
  4. Neck CT [Non-Contrast]
  5. Neck CT [Contrast]
  6. Petromastoid CT [Non-Contrast]
  7. Petromastoid[Contrast]
  8. Temporalmandibular Joint[Tmj]CT
  9. Orbital CT
  10. Chest CT
  11. Abdomen CT
  12. Pelvis CT
  13. Upper Extremities CT
  14. Lower Extremities CT
  15. Cervical Spine CT
  16. Thoracic Spine CT
  17. Lumbosacral Spine CT
  18. CT Uragraphy
  19. CT Anglography-Brain
  20. CT Anglography-Petromastoid
  21. CT Anglography –Sinuses
  22. CT Anglography-Neck
  23. CT Anglography- Aorta
  24. CT Anglography-Lower Extremities
  25. CT Anglography-Upper Extremities
  26. CT Pulmonary Anglography
  27. Virtual CT Colonoscope-To Commence In 2023
  28. CT Guidedchestbiosy


  1. Neck USS
  2. Thyroid USS
  3. Salivary Gland USS
  4. Ocular USS
  5. Soft Tissue USS
  6. Breast USS
  7. Scratal USS
  8. Musculoskeletal USS
  9. Abdominal USS
  10. Abdomino -Pelvic USS
  11. Pelvic USS
  12. Renal USS
  13. Hepatic USS
  14. Prostatic USS
  15. Obstratic USS
  16. Ultrasound Guided Biopsy/Fine Needle Aspiration
  17. Ultrasound Guided Ascetic Tap
  18. Ultrasound Guided Pleural Tap
  19. Doppler Studies


  1. PNS [Post Nasal Space] XR
  2. Paranasal Sinuses / Sinuses XR
  3. Mandible XR
  4. Mastoids XR
  5. Orbital XR
  6. Facial Bones XR
  7. Skull XR
  8. TMJ [Tempora-Mandibular] XR
  9. Soft Tissue Neck XR
  10. Cervical Spine XR
  11. Chest XR
  12. Clavicle XR
  13. Shoulder XR
  14. Scapula XR
  15. ARM XR
  16. Elbow XR
  17. Forearm XR
  18. Wrist XR
  19. Hand XR
  20. Plain Abdomen XR
  21. K.U.B XR
  22. Thoracic Spine XR
  23. Lumbasacral Spine XR
  24. Coccyx XR
  25. Thoracolumbar XR
  26. Pelvis XR
  27. HIP XR
  28. Femur XR
  29. Knee XR
  30. Leg XR
  31. Ankle XR
  32. Foot XR
  33. SMV [Submenta-Vertical View]
  34. OMV [Occipita-Mental View]
  35. Towne`s View XR
  36. Reverse Towne`s XR
  37. Extra Film


  1. Sinography
  2. Fistulography
  3. Barium Swallow
  4. Barium Meal & Follow Throug
  5. Barium Enema
  6. RUG
  7. MCUG
  8. IVU
  9. HSG