The Pharmacy Department
Pharm. Victor Garba
Head of Pharmacy
The Pharmacy Department of a hospital or other healthcare facilities makes available drugs, devices, and other materials used in the diagnosis, mitigation, prevention and treatment/management of injuries, illnesses, and diseases. Hospital Pharmacy procures, stores and supply medicines and medical consumables for dispensing, compounding, distribution and provides Pharmaceutical Care.
The Pharmacy Department operates through units under it including Pharmacy Store, Theatre Pharmacy, NHIS Pharmacy, Pharmacovigilance and Drug Information Units, and lately Oncology Unit. All these units have undergone tremendous transformation during the past three to four years.
The importance of a quality, safe and efficacious medicines and their availability at a sustained level which are affordable to majority of patients cannot be overemphasized in any healthcare system. Drug procurement has received a boost within the past few years with the introduction of half yearly drug procurement by this administration as against the traditional quarterly purchase. This has led to a more sustained availability of essential medicines in the hospital.