On my assumption of office as Acting Medical Director, I met the Centre at No. 20 Katuru Road, a five bed room bungalow with 3 room boys’ quarters which served as both the administrative block and clinic of the centre.

Prof. Babagana M. Ahmad

Prof. Babagana M. Ahmad

It was obvious that this was not suitable for the discharge of the Centre’s mandate of diagnosis and treatment of people with Ear, Nose and Throat ailments.

Consequently, the Kaduna State Government was approached and facilities at the then newly renovated Yusuf Dantsaho Memorial Hospital were allocated to the Centre for its clinical, laboratory and audiological services, as well as admissions.


The Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna was also approached for the use of its theatre which we found more suitable for ENT surgeries.



Manpower training and development is one of the mandates of the centre.  It has the only accredited school of post-Basic ENT Nursing. To ensure that the school stands on a sound footing, the Kaduna State Government was once again approached to allocate space at the School of Health Technology, Tudun Wada Kaduna which was granted.  A block of six flats was also rented in 2003 which has served as students’ hostel since then.  These facilitated the accreditation of the programme by the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria in 2004. The first Joint Convocation of the School was held at the Centre’s permanent site on 27th June 2009. Over 250 ENT nurses graduated.



After careful consideration of the high incidence of deafness and hearing impairment for avoidable causes, especially amongst rural dwellers, the centre, in collaboration with the Community Health Officers Registration Board, introduced a four week Primary Ear Care Course in 2004. A total of 418 Health Workers were trained to providing Primary Ear Care services in the rural community clinics in Nigeria.



One of the greatest challenges of the Centre within the period under review was the acquisition of a permanent site.  With the planned relocation of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Kaduna to the Permanent site at Shika, a request was made to the Federal Ministry of Health for the allocation of part of the space to be vacated at the Kaduna Complex.  This was followed up, and with the kind assistance of the Ministry, the former psychiatric department of ABUTH Kaduna was allocated in 2006 to serve as the permanent site of the Centre.  The Administration and Account departments moved in immediately to secure the place and supervise its renovations.


Renovation/restructuring of the buildings most of which were in dilapidated states, commenced in 2007 through the capital releases to the centre and has progressed through the years.  This permanent site was officially commissioned by the Honourable Minister of State for Health, Dr. Aliyu Idi Hong on Friday 26th June 2009.



With the Installation of ENT equipment procured and relocation of the Clinical Services to the permanent site in January 2009, the centre became set for the commencement of residency training. Both the West African College of Surgeons (WACS) and the National Postgraduate Medical College for ORL have granted the centre partial accreditation to commence residency training.



As at September 2002, the Centre had staff strength of 64 with only 2 Medical officers, 1 pharmacy technician and 4 general nurses as the core clinical staff. There was neither laboratory nor X-ray department then.  This has grown steadily over the years through approvals granted by the Head of the Civil Services of the Federation to 147.  The present manpower, though not sufficient, is a remarkable improvement.  Concerted effort was also made in the area of manpower training and development where by officers were sponsored for both management and professional courses for skill acquisition/improvement.



  1. Acquisition of permanent site in 2006
  2. Development, equipping of permanent site paving way for relocation of clinical services in January, 2009.
  • Commissioning of permanent site on 26th June 2009 by the Honourable Minister of State Health.
  1. 1st Joint Convocation of ENT Nurses held on 27th June 2009 held at the permanent site.



  1. Trained 203 Post Basic ENT Nurses from 2002 – 2008
  2. Trained 418 primary ear care providers from 2004 to date
  3. Trained over 100 trainers in the Train-the-Trainers workshop (1st in Africa launched by WHO in 2005)
  4. Granted approval for residency training


Clinical Services

  1. Treated over 35,699 patients from 2002 – 2008
  2. Minor Surgeries – 6,421 (2002 – 2008)
  • Major Surgeries – 362 (2002 – 2008)
  1. Establishment of pharmacy, laboratory, X-ray and audiology units



Staff strength was increased to 147 consisting of various medical personnel and other support staff.


Future Programmes

  1. Produce skilled manpower for the Nigerian health sector through the residency, Post Basic ENT Nursing, Primary Ear Care, Audiology Technician courses so as to reduce the incidence to its bearest minimum.
  2. Development of the school block (lecture auditorium, classes, library, demonstration room, students hostels) at the permanent site to ensure the relocation of the school of Post Basic ENT from its temporary site at Tudun Wada, Kaduna.
  3. Commencement of Audiology Technician Course by 2010. There is none in the country presently.
  4. Construction and equipping of an accident and emergency block as well as a CT scan suite.
  5. Construction of clinical research block in line with one of the core mandates of the Centre.
  6. Further training of all ENT Surgeons in sub-specialties so as to introduce specialized clinics. This would avail Nigerians of such services presently assessed abroad.
  7. Development of skilled Manpower in all other areas so as to meet the challenge of being a referral centre for ENT in the country.